Who Is Martinus?

Martinus Thomsen

Martinus (Thomsen) was born in the small village of Sindal in the north of Jutland, Denmark in August 1890. His family was poor, so he had only a very basic education. He was trained as a dairyman, and in his twenties, he worked at dairies all over Denmark.

When he was thirty, he had two profound spiritual experiences, in which he felt that he left his physical body and entered a divine level of existence. These experiences enabled him to see beyond the physical plane and into the spiritual plane where everything has its origin. He had, in other words, attained cosmic consciousness.

The experiences changed his life, and through support from friends, he was able to dedicate the rest of his life to writing down his visions or analysis, as he called them. This meant that he spent 60 years writing, and he wrote every day from 4 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon.

When Martinus was in his 70s he received a very strong impulse that his complete work should be called “The Third Testament”. It is new directions to humankind and a sequel to The New Testament. At his death in March 1981, at the age of 90, Martinus´ complete work comprised more than 9000 pages of spiritual wisdom. Everything was written in Danish.

The work is in the process of being translated into 20+ languages, and a lot is already available in English, Spanish, German and Swedish,but at the moment (2016) his complete work is only available in Danish.

The Martinus Institute is in Copenhagen, Denmark and its aim is to publish and translate the books and keep them unchanged for posterity.
You can find a complete list of Martinus´ books under Bibliography on www.deathisanillusion.dk and www.martinus.dk


20 random facts about Martinus

  • 1. Martinus did not know who his father was.

  • 2. The moment Martinus was born, the clock on the wall fell to the ground with a huge bang.
    This has later been interpreted to mean that a new era had begun with his birth.

  • 3. Martinus grew up in the small holding Moskildvad near Sindal, in the north of Jutland, Denmark. The house had one room where the family ate and slept. He shared his bed with two other boys. His birthplace has been turned into a small museum, which can be visited during the summer months.

  • 4. In his youth, Martinus experienced having strong guidance from Jesus. Every time he was in doubt about something, he would ask: What would Jesus have done? And immediately he would have the answer.

  • 5. Martinus was not religious in a traditional sense, and he was convinced that many of the religious dogmas of the time were wrong.

  • 6. From a very early age, Martinus had a strong connection to God and he did not need any kind of religion.

  • 7. In his 20s, Martinus was a passionate photographer.

  • 8. When Martinus was 30, during meditation, he felt that he left his physical body and entered into the presence of a divine, golden energy.

  • 9. His spiritual experience left him with cosmic consciousness. Whenever Martinus had a question, the answer came to him immediately. He had the energy of intuition under full control of his will.

  • 10. He was a vegetarian from he was 30 until his death at 90.

  • 11. He was unmarried his whole life.

  • 12. He emanated a very strong energy of love and tolerance.

  • 13. When he visited Egypt, he had a vivid vision of the pyramids when they had first been built. They were covered in white porcelain and they were built using mental forces. They are 90.000 years old.

  • 14. Martinus could perform miracles, but it was not in his mission to do so. His mission was to write his cosmology as new directions to humankind from the Divine plane of existence.

  • 15. His work is the fulfilment of the promise that Jesus made to his disciples when he said: 12  “I have yet many things to tell you, but
    you cannot bear them now. 13  But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own
    authority. But He will speak whatever He hears, and He will tell you things that are to come.”

  • 16. Martinus founded Martinus Centre at Klint, where courses are held all through summer. There are 2 international weeks with talks in many languages.

  • 17. Martinus founded the Martinus Institute, which is in Copenhagen, Denmark. He also lived there in a small flat on the first floor. The
    flat can be seen when you visit the institute.

  • 18. Martinus was able to bilocate. He was once observed walking along the beach at Klint in deep conversation with a friend and at the same time, he was sitting at his desk in Villa Rosenberg.

  • 19. In the early years of his work, he did not have his own suit to wear for talks. He shared a suit with his secretary.

  • 20. Martinus was born in the sign of Leo.


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