The Concept of Sin Revisited

The Concept of Sin Revisited

Those of us who grew up in the Christian tradition have heard a lot about ´sinning´. We have been told that we must not sin, that there are 7 deadly sins and that we will go straight to hell after death if we sin. As we have all ´sinned´ quite a lot, we were told that...
On Martinus

On Martinus

I just want to write a little bit about who Martinus was, so that it can become clear to more people just how extraordinary his appearance on this planet was. His mere appearance signifies much more than just the birth of another human being. Martinus´ birth and...
Where does our consciousness come from?

Where does our consciousness come from?

This explanation of the origin of consciousness is from my book ´The Undiscovered Country – A Non-religious Look at Life after Death´. Chapter Twelve Consciousness The question of what consciousness is has puzzled humankind ever since we realized that we had one, and...
What Is Our Aura And How Can It Protect Us?

What Is Our Aura And How Can It Protect Us?

All living beings have an aura. The aura ´sits´ around our body as an oval electric ´field´, which reaches out 50 – 100 cm. from the body. The aura is in most cases invisible to the human eye, but many people are able to see auras as a shining field around the head....
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